Category: Park

  • World famous Cottesloe Beach

    World famous Cottesloe Beach

    Cottesloe is one of the more famous beach suburbs of Perth. It is the renowned Cottesloe Beach house, which makes this beach so remarkable. And it was a great moment when I walked down the beach road and suddenly the famous building was right in front of me. I was touched. So many years I…

  • The benches of Doi Mon Cham

    The benches of Doi Mon Cham

    Doi means “hill” in the Thailanguage.  Mon Cham is a rather famous hill in the region of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. There are many reasons why Doi Mon Cham is so famous.  It is cool up there, those who suffered under the heat of Chiang Mai, can imagine, what that means for the people…

  • A red hot gem “Looking Good”

    The Hortpark in Singapore feels great with benches all around. Parents can sit down and chat while their children are playing. Today a solid, good looking red bench reaches my eyes. It was made of steel and painted in a red color. This fit well to the green surrounding. The bench was not placed in…

  • Helmut 2008

    A walk in the park on a sunny Sunday afternoon. We were taking the tour from St. Emmerams Mill to Schwabing crossing the northern part of the English Garden in Munich. Beautiful weather, sunshine, 28 C. When we wanted to enjoy a bit the park life and rest on a bench we picked one accidently. Well, as…

  • Facing black and white

    This two benches are facing each other but are not able to talk. I would not want to mention, that one of them looks a bit female, the other rather male. Yes I know you might call it a bit strange, but you even might guess, which of the 2 is the man. What a…