As more rustic a bench looks, as more the desire to sit on it increases. It might be philosophical but somehow human beings feel more attracted by wooden benches than benches, which are made of artificial stuff.
It appears to me that old wood has the potential to calm down the human soul. And sitting on it might even enhance the feeling of tranquility and hospitability.
But as we all know, imagine the same bench placed along a highway and all the charm is gone. It is the whole package, which makes a bench to a champion among all the other benches.
Unfortunately the tree in front of the bench blocks the view of those sitting on it. On the other hand one may have a nice shady place in the afternoon sub.
With a little luck one can see the house on the other side of the road. This is a quaint little village on a quaint little island in the Netherlands.
The photographer didn’t tell me the name and location of the village.
For the bench it does not even matter, as the bench might justify its being by engaging and accomodating locals and neighbours for a chat in the warm evening sun.
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