Karo is definitely hooked to benching. And her contributions are always good for nominations for the top ten benches. Like this one.
We claim it to be the oldest bench in Vienna (at least as long as we are not proven differently). The bench is located in the south tower of the “Stephansdom” in Vienna. The cathedral was build during 1359 – 1433. So the bench has to be around 600 years old.
The tower has 343 stairs and the bench is around stair 273 (this needs to be verified as Karo’s information was not ultimately convincing in this detail). Probably she was a bit short of breath after all those steps and counting was out of control 😉
Most likely the constructor was also a bit exhausted after 20-30 years of building the dome and at around 270 steps he felt it is time for a rest and instructed to build this bench.
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